Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Junior National Championship St Paul Minnesota

June 26th
Minneapolis/st Paul Minnesota
Hosted by Hemophilia Foundation of Minnesota/Dakotas
Children with bleeding disorders and their families are invited to participate in regional golf and baseball competitions
to sign up visit WWW.giginc.com

Lori our Hemophilia Mom will be speaking at this event please come out and the kids can play and you moms can visit

We hope to see you all there


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Our family love attending the JNC. We have been attending this event since they first launched the program. It's so much fun and very instrumental to my children's lives, especially my son who has severe hemophilia A. Gave him a sense of belongingness. Makes him feel like a champion and that he is a part of the community and that he is special and important. I really encourage everyone to attend and participate.