Saturday, December 27, 2008


The New Year is fast approaching. Do you and your family make new years resolutions? Maybe this would be a good time to commit to making life with a bleeding disorder a bit easier.

Perhaps 2009 will be the year your child or you learn home/self infusion. Maybe you have a older child that is about to venture out on his/her own. This would be a good time to start or continue teaching and guiding them about their insurance, making appointments, calling to request a factor order, the list is long! If you are a newly diagnosed person/family this may be a year of understanding and knowing that it is ok to add to your family!

I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on the year coming to a close. I know for me having 3 sons with severe hemophilia we had our share of bumps! Some felt like mountains while we were going over them! We became stronger and closer. For the most part 2008 was a successful year! My sons all learned a litte bit more about themselves and their hemophilia as did my husband and I. We all rallied together when a severe bleed seamed more than we could take. As my eldest lay in a hospital bed post hip surgery in horrible pain I struggled to find possitive thoughts and feelings. It is easy to get caught up in how bad a situation is and have your thoughts be negative. I have found looking for the possitive makes a situation a bit more managable. Yes each of my boys spent time in the hospital this year.....some more than others....sometimes more than one in the hospital at a time. I made sure I reminded myself we are lucking to have a great medical facility to care for our boys and factor to help control bleeding. There are many in the world that do not have this luxury.

As 2008 nears an end and 2009 begins, sit down as a family and reflect on what you have learned what you have accomplished. Make a list of what you would like to do to make life with hemophilia just a bit easier in 2009. We can not always control a situation but we can always control how we handle it! So take a deep as parents are doing a great job! Be proud of yourselves!

May 2009 bring you much peace, happiness, and good health!

1 comment:

joanne said...

My husband and I are looking to take our daughter who will be 3 years old and our son who will be 8 months old in may to florida to disney world. Our son has sever hemophilia A<1% clotting factor i want to know what you guys did to keep him safe? My husband and I have never givein him factor yet {right now he is only 3 months old} but by the time May comes i am sure he will need it. Do you know if the NHF will give us a nurse to come to the hotel? If we have a problem in a park will there be a nurse who can help? What happens like this? Or should we just stay home where his hemophilia clinic is? I am scared to go with out making sure he will be ok and i wanna give our daughter a fun time its her birthday gift. Help! Thanks